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Sheringham Recycling Centre logo on Dsposal

Sheringham Recycling Centre

Waste Operations - Ref #CB3800LX/V002
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Site Info

Sheringham Recycling Centre is provided for householders to deposit and recycle household rubbish. Check opening times before setting off to site.

Sheringham Recycling Centre

Waste Operations - Ref #CB3800LX/V002

The Environment Agency licenses industry, business and individuals to carry out certain activities that have the potential to pollute the environment. The licences below are held by this site to carry out these activities.

Waste Operations

Waste operations require an environmental permit if the business uses, recycles, treats, stores or disposes of waste or mining waste. The permit can be for activities at one site or for mobile plant used at many sites.

Sheringham Recycling Centre

Waste Operations - Ref #CB3800LX/V002

The policies below are the insurances that this site has to carry out their activities.

Sheringham Recycling Centre

Waste Operations - Ref #CB3800LX/V002

The items below are any additional documents that this site has worked towards (e.g. ISO 9001 Quality Management System or OHSAS 18001, Occupational Health and Safety), is part of (e.g. SafeContractor, CIWM) or has won (e.g. Sustainability and Resource Awards or Investors in People).